Thank you for recognizing that those of us who live in ANWR have the cultural and ecological understanding required to ...
Bids for oil exploration rights in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge’s coastal plain will be opened on Jan. 10, a day later than originally scheduled, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management has said.
The Department of the Interior announced Wednesday that the Bureau of Land Management received no bids for its lease sale of 400,000 acres in the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National ...
(1980) Post Eocene clastics distribution along the El-Qaa plain, southern Sinai ... Application of GIS in land-use planning: a case study in the Coastal Mekong Delta of Vietnam. Proc. International ...
"Our work shows that by 2100, total land loss will exceed erosional losses by up to eight times. Here we focus on processes affecting Alaska's Arctic Coastal Plain, but a key takeaway is the ...
But while the Bureau of Land Management has said the coastal plain could contain 4.25 billion to 11.8 billion barrels of recoverable oil, there is limited information about the amount and quality ...