they're loaded with white flowers which last for several weeks. That's one of the reasons they're one of the most popular ...
Gerbera daisies are native to South Africa and part of the Aster family. The varieties that you'll find at nurseries and in seed catalogs today are hybrids bred for their vividly colored flowers.
It is never an issue when sheep are present as they are quite keen to eat oxeye daisies. It is also a problem because it is not susceptible to the selective herbicides normally used in pasture. The ...
As time passes, I have come to regard the (Euryops pectinatus) as an ornamental plant that no Southern California garden should be without – and not only because it’s one of my wife’s favorite plants ...
Blooming during the heat of the summer when other desert plants have gone dormant, the Inyo rock daisy sports bright yellow flowers that attract many insect visitors. The pollinators are a critical ...