On this occasion, Coolidge was given the oath of office by Chief Justice William Howard Taft, who had served as president ...
This marks 100 years since Calvin Coolidge’s 1925 inauguration was the first broadcast nationally by radio. Presidential inaugurations continue to draw millions of viewers, with 33.8 million ...
Bach Music Company invites you to arrange for a Brunswick-Radiola so you can hear President Coolidge’s Inaugural address.
His 1923 State of the Union address to Congress was the first ever ... crash of 1929. Coolidge believed the nation needed fewer, not more, programs regardless of their purpose. Calvin Coolidge ...
The first time Calvin Coolidge met Gutzon Borglum, the president agreed to the artist's scheme to mint commemorative coins. With the coins, Borglum hoped to raise funds to carve a mountain into ...
People gathered in Redlands at radio shops and other businesses to hear the address, relayed across the country on telephone wires to KFI broadcasting station in Los Angeles.
On March 4, 1925, nearly 100 years ago, President Calvin Coolidge was inaugurated for a second time. He served a partial term beginning in 1923 after the death of President Warren G. Harding. Coolidge ...