In the latest LDS news, suggestions for penalizing colleges if vulgar anti-Latter-day Saint chants break out at BYU games; ...
The second pronouncement, in particular, causes great division among Mormons, with Brigham Young stating he would rather die and Joseph Smith's wife Emma expressing opposition even though the ...
Although Joseph Smith was no pacifist—he preached ... about in the context of a rising conflict between Mormon leader Brigham Young and the federal government. When the Mormons had first ...
Joseph Smith announces a revelation setting up the ... Smith and most of his followers -- including a new member named Brigham Young -- leave Kirtland for Independence, Missouri, where Smith ...
The same goes for the show’s depiction of polygamous prophet Brigham Young ... particularly the murder of the faith’s founder, Joseph Smith, and his brother Hyrum in Illinois.
Neither Joseph Smith nor the Mormon missionaries shied ... 1865, from the Mormon Panorama. Courtesy of Brigham Young University Museum of Art Just a few months after the Mormon Church was founded ...
Brigham Young. He was indeed one of the founding fathers of Mormonism and the second president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. After Joseph Smith's death, he brought thousands ...
The second pronouncement, in particular, causes great division among Mormons, with Brigham Young stating he would rather die and Joseph Smith's wife Emma expressing opposition even though the ...
Although Joseph Smith was no pacifist—he preached ... about in the context of a rising conflict between Mormon leader Brigham Young and the federal government. When the Mormons had first ...