When you talk about madness in Luanda town, residents find it ‘normal’. In fact, they are used to it. Many of the local people that we interviewed, but who not experts, pointed accusing ...
A cholera outbreak in Angola has killed at least 108 people since the start of the year, the health ministry said Tuesday, ...
A group of activists announced on Wednesday that they will hold a demonstration on Saturday in Luanda to protest against the high cost of ...
While genetic tests can reveal the ancestry of enslaved individuals, strontium analysis can now home in on where they actually grew up.
Angola registered 141 new cases of cholera, specifically in the provinces of Luanda, Bengo, Icolo and Bengo, Cuanza-Sul and Malanje.According to the newsletter from the Ministry of Health, in the last ...
Some 930,532 people, from the provinces of Luanda, Bengo and Icolo and Bengo, are expected to be vaccinated against cholera as from Monday to prevent future cases of the disease.The campaign, which is ...
MONUSCO is storing voluntarily relinquished or abandoned weapons in accordance with international standards,' says Vivian van de Perre - Anadolu Ajansı ...
Cholera has already killed 29 people, 20 of them in the province of Luanda (municipalities of Cacuaco 19, Belas 1), six in Bengo (Dande 3, Panguila 2, Barra do Dande 1) and three in Icolo and ...