Synthetic biologists from Yale were able to re-write the genetic code of an organism—a novel genomically recoded organism ...
Biomedical engineers at Duke University have demonstrated a promising new approach that could be used to treat a rare and ...
With World Pangolin Day being celebrated on February 15, it is befitting that new research presenting high quality genomic ...
Five years removed from the COVID-19 outbreak, scientists around the world are still studying its effects and, more importantly, ways those effects can be mitigated in the future.
More information: Maximilian Genetti et al, Secrets of the Goo: the Genome assembly of the Pacific Banana Slug, Ariolimax columbianus, Journal of Heredity (2025). DOI: 10.1093/jhered/esaf002 ...
Scientists published a full genetic sequence of the genes that make some white campions male, and hope their work could ...
Macquarie University researchers, alongside an international team, have achieved a significant milestone in synthetic biology by completing the final chromosome of the world's first synthetic yeast ...