Imperial is achieving a major step-up in life sciences capacity at its White City Deep Tech Campus through a new joint ...
Researchers were surprised to find live microbes in a rock collected from space. The sample was retrieved on the Japanese ...
Via localization theorems à la Beilinson-Bernstein, representations of quantizations of symplectic singularities are equivalent to modules over sheaves of deformation-quantization algebras (DQ-modules ...
We aim to nurture the next generation of scientists by training undergraduates and postgraduates in a collaborative and supportive learning environment.
After a brief overview of TE.Ltd, ST40 high field tokamak will be described, with recent upgrades, aims and results of the recent experimental campaigns. Results of confinement studies in H-mode and ...
Abstract: I will review the classification of non-interacting topological insulators and discuss how this is expected to change when weak interactions are added. I will then go on to show how this can ...
In order to meet the Paris Agreement targets to limit global warming below 2℃, an imperative reduction in carbon dioxide emissions is needed. Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies must be ...
Abstract: The diffusion process followed by a passive tracer in prototypical active media such as suspensions of active colloids or swimming microorganisms differs significantly from Brownian motion, ...
Abstract: A key challenge in the study of geometric objects is understanding their degenerations, particularly when these objects approach limits or boundary cases. In the context of moduli spaces, ...
In this talk we first introduce a structure preserving, second order in time, relaxation-type scheme for approximating solutions of the Schrödinger-Poisson system ...
Advancements in multi-PW lasers and accelerator facilities are opening new avenues to explore quantum electrodynamics (QED) under extreme conditions, where electron-positron pairs can emerge within ...
The finite Hilbert transform generates a complete orthonormal set on [−1,1] with respect to the Chebyshev weight. We explore the potential of this set for solving finite Hilbert transform equations.