Troopers of the 1st Squadron, 9th Cavalry, departed their encampment in Monterey, California, for five months of field duty.
Definitive Edition celebrates the 20th anniversary of the popular strategy game with stunning 4K Ultra HD graphics, a new and fully remastered soundtrack, and brand-new content.
The Army soon begins the next phase of Transforming in Contact, the service’s initiative to revamp how units rapidly equip, test and ...
“They started teaching English because they wanted to create a class of people, Indian people, who would be in the middle of ...
Although simple on the surface, the rock-paper-scissors combat system in strategy games can be satisfying if executed well.
In the chilly early March weather, officers demonstrated their strength and prowess through a series of thrilling maneuvers, ...
The Odessa American is the leading source of local news, information, entertainment and sports for the Permian Basin.
THE first batch of election paraphernalia has been delivered to the Mandaue City Treasurer’s Office as part of preparations ...
The former Holiday Inn Holidome will become a 148-room Radisson and Richardson partners up for a digital orthodontic company ...
In response to the attacks, U.S. forces under the command of Gen. John J. Pershing invaded Mexico in an attempt to capture ...
Ann and Nancy Wilson are bringing their band Heart to Jacksonville, and the renovated Ponte Vedra Concert Hall is starting to book shows.