No literary pilgrimage to Massachusetts can be complete without a visit to the Amherst home of one of the most important ...
A few decades ago, we would have been grateful for any kind of pub gig or a hospitable venue that would allow us to play any ...
Extinction troubled us long before we had a name for it. The original mascot for the loss of species, even before the concept was understood, was the dodo. The bird — fat and flightless, found by 17th ...
Of all flowers, the rose is arguably the most ubiquitous across art, inspiring everything from poetry and literature to ...
Emily Dickinson is high on the list of people I crave to meet, but inviting her to a dinner party simply wouldn’t do. She would defer to everyone else, saying nothing, but storing up every ...
Last year, a poet in a nearby English department thundered that AI would never write poetry like Emily Dickinson. So ...
One of China's most famous poets, who some call the country's Emily Dickenson, is breaking new boundaries by taking to the stage to dance.
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In a look ahead at a week of Cambridge and Somerville events, there’s a free pi day pie potluck, comedy against cancer, Mobius performance art called “Slay,” Ukrainian folk-rock, a St. Patrick’s fun ...