Of all the Mormon doctrines, none caused as much controversy as polygamy, called plural or celestial marriage within the church. It divided prophet Joseph Smith's own household, caused a schism ...
The two major categories of relationships that have existed for decades are monogamy and polygamy. The understanding of which one would be better shifts depending on your perspective on culture ...
Bird species were categorized into three mating systems—monogamy (strong and durable sociosexual bonds), resource-defense polygamy (weak and transient bonds) and lekking (absence of social bonds).
Candidly explaining Mormonism’s complicated experience with polygamy to adults requires nuance, context and care. Introducing it to children can be even trickier, if not nearly impossible.
In contrast, resource-defense polygamy, where one sex -- usually but not always the male -- guards territories to attract mates, is highly unstable and often reverts to monogamy. "This research ...