Sweet Dreams is an upcoming drama directed and written by Victor Mukherjee the film stars Mithila Palkar and Meiyang Chang in lead roles. The film also stars an extensive supporting cast, ...
Mothers hold a special and irreplaceable place in their child's life. When her son gets married, a mother is overwhelmed with ...
The trailer of Mithila Palkar and Amol Parashar's Sweet Dreams recently dropped. The video showcases how the lovebirds hustle to find the partner of their dreams giving hopeless romantics the ...
Mithila Palkar and Amol Parashar are all set to headline a romantic movie Sweet Dreams which’ll be an early Valentine’s treat ...
The trailer for the upcoming film Sweet Dreams, starring Mithila Palkar and Amol Parashar, was released on Monday. The movie, ...
With the season of love just around the corner Disney+ Hotstar has released a beautiful and indelible love story titled Sweet Dreams. Starring the gorgeous Mithila Palkar and the versatile Amol Parash ...
Kenny and Dia, played by Amol Parashar and Mithila Palkar, respectively, chase their respective partners, after meeting them ...