India began on Monday its Maha Kumbh Mela, or Great Pitcher Festival, which is expected to draw more than 400 million visitors to the northern city of Prayagraj over six weeks, making for the largest ...
Touted as an event for spiritual purificationin Hinduism, Kumbh Mela takes place approximately every 12 years at four ...
India's Maha Kumbh Mela, or Great Pitcher Festival, is set to be the world's largest gathering of humanity, with 400 million ...
Scores of naked Hindu ascetics smeared in holy ash charged into the water of holy rivers in northern India on Tuesday, ...
Nearly 15 million Hindus, six times the number expected, took a dip in freezing waters seeking absolution of their sins on ...
The Maha Kumbh Mela, or Hindu pitcher festival, begins Monday in the northern Indian city of Prayagraj. Officials expect at least 400 million people to visit Prayagraj over the next 45 days.
The Maha Kumbh Mela, or the Great Pitcher Festival, will bring more than 400 million people to Prayagraj city in northern India over a period of six weeks starting Monday, making ...
A large fire broke out at a Hindu religious festival, the Maha Kumbh Mela, in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh on ...
But as Sarita Singh discovered at this year's Maha Kumbh, or 'Great Pitcher Festival', things have changed. When she was separated from her son and mother-in-law, authorities turned to state of ...
Scores of naked Hindu ascetics smeared in holy ash charged into the water of holy rivers in northern India yesterday, ...
Held every 12 years, the Maha Kumbh Mela or Great Pitcher Festival, as the religious event in the city of Prayagraj in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh is called, attracts more than 400 million ...