A research project to keep tabs on Sharp-tailed Grouse shows the potential benefits of a promising but elusive technology.
One U.S. hummingbird species truly hunkers down for the winter, and that’s the Anna’s Hummingbird. In the early 1900s, they ...
Terry Masear’s dedication to nursing hummingbirds back to health offers tidbits of wisdom about practicing empathy and living each moment to the fullest.
Many of the dabbling ducks use their flat bills to strain food items from the water, but the big spatulate bill of the Northern Shoveler is adapted to take this habit to the extreme. Flocks of ...
The smallest of its family, the Red-throated also breeds farther north than any other loon, reaching the northernmost coast of Greenland. It may nest at very small ponds, doing much of its feeding at ...
The two species of Gallinule which occur in the United States are confined within a comparatively small range in that extensive country, the southern portions of which appear to suit them better, at ...
At marshy ponds from Mexico to Panama, this odd shorebird is common. Its long toes allow it to run about on lily pads and other floating vegetation. When it flies, the feet trail behind it; on landing ...
The common open-country woodpecker of eastern Mexico and northern Central America. It crosses the border mainly in southern Texas, where it is very common, noisy, and conspicuous. Similar in ...
A swift-flying seabird, extremely graceful and agile in flight. When swimming, it floats buoyantly, and it takes flight from the water easily. Of the three jaeger species, the Long-tail is the ...
Below, find out which of the birds that nest or spend the winter in your area are most vulnerable across their entire range. Some birds may lose range outside of your state, making the protection of ...
Just before 8 a.m. on Sunday, December 15, a crowd is gathering at the southeast rim of the reservoir in New York City’s Central Park. Most are bundled in puffer coats, huddled together in murmuring ...
Birds like the Blackburnian Warbler and Red Knot illustrate how birds connect people across the Western Hemisphere. Blackburnian Warblers migrate from Canada’s Boreal Forest to Colombia’s tropical ...