It offers an incredible picture (especially for 4K, HDR movies and shows) and comes with a lengthy list of gaming- and A/V-related features. That said, the LG C4 still might prove a little ...
I always thought that buying a 4K webcam was only something that streamers and influencers should care about. I mean, how much better am I really going to look when I’m on a Teams call with my ...
Principais bancos aceitam limitar empréstimos do FGTS para saque-aniversário a 5 anos, proposta do governo visa evitar comprometer recursos do Fundo. Instituições financeiras consideram prazo ...
Any camera worth its salt in 2025 can shoot 4K video, but not all 4K cameras are made the same. The best camera phones can all shoot 4K, for example, but you’ll get much better low-light results ...
The best 4K gaming monitor has all the bells and whistles an enthusiast could ever want or need. The best 4K gaming monitor can make way more than games look great. It's a big upgrade to any ...
The best 4K Blu-ray players deliver the ultimate picture quality for watching movies and TV series at home. Although streaming services are popular, Blu-rays deliver video at a higher bitrate ...
Need a new monitor for your PC? We’ve combed through scores of options to find the best monitors on the market right now. Our picks are the result of hundreds of hours spent testing the latest ...
Learn more Most TVs and monitors sold today use 4K panels. But what does this designation actually mean? The 4K specification refers to a display's resolution, which plays a huge part in how much ...
THE WASHINGTON POST - Nos últimos anos, cientistas assistiram, horrorizados, as temperaturas globais dispararem - com 2023 e 2024 atingindo cerca de 1,5ºC acima da média pré-industrial. De certa forma ...
O dia certo da comemoração carnavalesca muda todo ano conforme o calendário da Igreja Católica crédito: Tulio Santos/EM/D.A.Press O carnaval em 2025 será de 28 de fevereiro (sexta-feira de ...
Uma década atrás, os estudantes Mariana, João Paulo, Dowglas, Gláucia, Alicia e Gustavo festejavam a aprovação em 1º lugar em universidades disputadas no país. Ser "número 1" não ...
A promessa de 18 anos, inclusive quebrou uma marca de Wild, que era o brasileiro mais jovem a chegar numa final de ATP, em 2019, quando tinha 19 anos, em Guayaquil. Diferente das quartas de final, ...