Research increasingly shows that tackling modifiable exposures and environmental risks could be one of our most powerful ...
The Federated European Genome-phenome Archive (FEGA) is transforming how sensitive human genomic data is shared and accessed.
Johns Hopkins scientists say the innovation could bring 'new fruits, foods, and flavors' to an expanded global agricultural ...
A decades-long NIH-backed effort to map the human genome has advanced our understanding of genetic risk factors and human ...
Scientists across India sequenced genomes from dozens of communities as part of the Genome India Project, revealing insights ...
"Institutions in the state such as Gujarat Biotechnology Research Centre (GBRC) have participated in the Genome India Project where ... projects had much smaller sample sizes, and thus a bigger ...
A NGS analysis framework for WGS data, which automates the entire process of spinning up AWS EC2 spot instances and processing FASTQ to snvVCF in <60m, for dollars a sample and achieving Fscores of ...
Synthetic bacterial genome upgraded for viral defence and biocontainment In addition, the Sc2.0 project used ... aspires to redesign human and potato chromosomes, for example, and some groups ...