Jesus gave us a mandate to “go into the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15). His final words before the ...
The Generation Z dating scene might be more contentious than other generations, especially in its mixing of politics.
Send Each Other a New Year's Eve Gift . You can infuse additional excitement into your long-distance night together by sending each other a special gift so you can open it togethe ...
Specifically, the researchers note that partners who strongly value the friendship aspect of a relationship are far more ...
Brother Elder Amado Jimenez-Diaz enters the front of the room of the church. Blue and white tiles and lavender walls blush ...
When dealing with a narcissistic parent or partner, it can help to be direct about the changes you’d like to see the person ...
Whenever marriage comes up in conversation people always point out it can be irddled with complications, but some frustrating habits are more common than others.
To help you build even stronger human connections during February's "love month," here are four relationship builders.
Feeling ready for a committed relationship is a key step in dating. But do your friends agree that you're ready for a ...
If we're not careful, our beliefs, habits, and assumptions can get in the way of deep, fulfilling relationships.
A young computer scientist and two colleagues show that searches within data structures called hash tables can be much faster ...
Edgar Gomez doesn’t care about your comfort. The Lambda Literary Award winner returns with his second memoir, Alligator Tears ...