Personalized medicine is a therapeutic approach involving the use of an individual’s genetic and epigenetic information to tailor drug therapy or preventive care. Variability exists in ...
Personalized nutrition is a conceptual analog to personalized medicine. While there are food products available that address requirements or preferences of specific consumer groups, these products ...
With eight years of experience as a financial journalist and editor and a degree in economics, Elizabeth Aldrich has worked on thousands of articles within the realm of banking, economics, credit ...
Segregation Very few leading hospitals treated African American patients. Johns Hopkins Hospital was an exception, providing the same quality of care to both black and white patients. However, black ...
This article uses the category of “Black” in the visible minority variable to establish the counts of the Black populations in Canada and to conduct analysis. The “Black” category includes people who ...
In 2010, Rebecca Skloot published The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, a compelling look at Henrietta Lacks’ story, her impact on medical science, and important bioethical issues. That book became ...
Push notification technology was first introduced by Apple Inc. back in June 2009, alongside its iOS 3.0 version. Push notifications allowed third-party app developers to send messages to their apps’ ...