OMV Petrom, the largest integrated energy producer in Southeastern Europe, has closed the farm-down transaction with NewMed ...
OMV Petrom, the largest integrated energy producer in Southeast Europe, in supplying Cluj International Airport Avram Iancu with sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) in 2025, an important step towards ...
The two contracts involve Expro’s subsea landing string, cementing technology, tubular running services, and drilling tools. Neptun Deep is the largest natural gas project in ...
Expro (XPRO) has been awarded major contracts from OMV Petrom, totaling more than $10M for the Neptun Deep gas project in the Black Sea.
Texas-based oilfield services provider Expro has secured major contracts from OMV Petrom, totaling more than $10 million, for ...
Rafinăria Petrobrazi, deținută de OMV Petrom, a fost principala sursă de aprovizionare pentru Kiev, contribuind semnificativ la totalul importurilor ucrainene de combustibil. OMV Petrom și-a majorat ...
Consiliul Județean Arad va demara lucrările de modernizare a podului peste Crișul Alb, la intrarea în localitatea Șicula, dinspre Seleuș. Proiectul, finanțat din bugetul propriu al Consiliului ...
OMV Petrom has begun construction work for developing a sustainable aviation fuel and renewable diesel (HVO) production unit at the Petrobrazi refinery in Brazi, Romania. On completion, the project is ...
OMV Petrom, the largest integrated energy producer in Southeastern Europe announces the start of construction for a sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and renewable diesel (HVO) production unit at the ...
The largest payoff may come in Romania, where OMV Petrom, a subsidiary, is preparing to develop a major gas discovery in the Black Sea called Neptun Deep. If successful, it should cement Romania ...