A Reuters analysis of more than 100 federal cases has found that defendants accused of plotting attacks in the name of Islamic State collectively faced more severe charges than militia members, ...
[ボーンマス(英国)23日 ロイター] - サッカーのイングランド・プレミアリーグは23日、各地で試合を行い、ブライトンの三笘薫が敵地でのボーンマス戦で今季2ゴール目を挙げた。
[23日ロイター] - フィギュアスケートのグランプリ(GP)シリーズ第6戦、中国杯は23日、重慶で競技を行い、男子では佐藤駿が合計278.48点で優勝した。
半導体大手のキオクシアホールディングスが12月18日に東証プライム市場へ上場する。東証が22日、上場を承認した。時価総額は当初目指していた1兆5000億円の半分程度の7500億円になる見通しだが、先端半導体の開発競争が激化する中、上場で資金調達手段を ...
Jordanian police cordoned off an area in the vicinity of the Israeli embassy in the capital Amman after gunshots were heard, witnesses said on Sunday.
A climate change protest off the coast of Australia's New South Wales State forced an inbound ship to turn back from the country's largest terminal for coal exports on Sunday, the port operator said.
Jonathan Drouin scored his first two goals of the season, leading the Colorado Avalanche to a 7-4 win over the host Florida ...
Missouri Tigers coach Dennis Gates is using non-conference mismatches at home to flex his team's uncommon depth.
A gunman was shot dead and three policemen were injured after a shooting incident near the Israeli embassy in Jordan ended, a security source told Reuters on Sunday.
Oklahoma State and Nevada will not meet the goal of getting three wins and a championship in a multi-team event.