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New year, new home for Christmas the Bear! We’re delighted to announce that over the festive period, Animals Asia welcomed a beautiful moon bear we’ve named ‘Christmas’ to our Tam Dao sanctuary in Vietnam.
The truth about the Yulin dog meat festival – and how to stop it
Jun 1, 2018 · 13/ How can we help? Ending Yulin won’t end dog meat eating, but ending dog meat eating will end Yulin.The focus now must be on the year-round trade in dog meat which is rife with abhorrent cruelty and blatant illegality.
Donate - Animals Asia Foundation
Donate. Animals Asia receives a large portion of its funding from individual donors like you. Your donation is vital to the continuation of our work to rescue bears and end the cruel bear bile farming industry, and to improve animal welfare in China.
Why animals should not be in circuses - Animals Asia Foundation
Dec 10, 2022 · Do animals like being on stage? The wild animals commonly abused in circuses are extremely stressed by circus conditions. The loud noise of the music, the cheers of the crowd and the dizzying lights all disorientate and cause stress to wild animals.
Animal Sentience & Welfare - Animals Asia Foundation
Animals in Asia’s zoos and safari parks suffer a range of abuses. Captive wild animals are often cruelly mutilated with their teeth and claws cut back. They may also be chained and used as photographic props or forced to entertain the crowds with unnatural, degrading and stressful circus-style performances.
Bear Bile Farming - Animals Asia Foundation
More than 10,000 bears – mainly moon bears, but also sun bears and brown bears – are kept on bile farms across Asia. The bears are subjected to regular bile extraction. The bile, which contains ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) is often used to treat inflammatory …
Overview - Animals Asia Foundation
A 5–7 inch metal catheter is surgically implanted into the abdominal wall and gall bladder, allowing daily extraction of the bile. Bears extracted in this way are often kept in “crush cages” which have a metal grille that can be pushed down to immobilise the bear against the bottom of the cage, allowing the farm worker to collect the bile through the bars.
Who We Are - Animals Asia Foundation
Animals Asia is devoted to ending bear bile farming and improving the welfare of animals across Asia. Founded in 1998, the Animals Asia team has been rescuing bears since 1994. We operate award-winning Bear Sanctuaries in China and Vietnam, and we are the only organisation with a bear sanctuary in ...
Bear Sanctuaries - Animals Asia Foundation
Bear Sanctuaries. We operate bear sanctuaries in China and Vietnam where bears are rehabilitated and cared for and where our bear teams gather vital evidence of the effects of bile extraction.Our world-class bear rescue centres in Chengdu, China and in Tam Dao and Bach Ma in Vietnam provide the bears with comfortable dens and semi-natural enclosures where they are able to recover in safety and ...
CONTACT US - Animals Asia Foundation
Local Contacts. Australia Mailing Address: Animals Asia Foundation, PO Box 79 Wynnum, QLD 4178, Australia Toll free: 1800.666.004 Tel: (08) 8270 1955 Email: [email protected] Registered Address: Animals Asia Foundation (Australia) Limited, 232 Unley Road, Unley SA 5061, Australia Company Numbers: A.C.N. 107 630 357; ANIMALS ASIA ABN 53 107 630 357